Monday, May 24, 2010

A new bike and a new direction

Do you consider yourself to be much of a philosopher? I certainly don't! But I appreciate life lessons, motivational quotes and can sometimes rock out with some kind of coherent statement that explains reoccurring observations I have. Lately I have realised that sometimes the greatest display of a person's strength is in admitting their weaknesses. I have seen and heard some truly inspirational stories from various people, some of whom you would not expect, people who have risen from bad spaces to the top, or even just overcome roadblocks, and become stronger, faster or better for it. I admire them for their courage and determination in the face of adversity.

My recent encounter with failure lately has been bloody good for me. I received a 48% in an Economics test six weeks ago and it has been screwing with my mind ever since, I have questioned my entire Degree over it. We recently had another test in which I got a 67%, and while not being the 80%+ I aim for, it is a step in the right direction. It may seem arrogant, but I was bought up to always achieve highly and in my mind, anything less than a B+ is a failure. I have always maintained good grades throughout my education. While this attitude has generally been beneficial in my life until now, upon reflection, I certainly don't know what I was thinking - measuring my success with arbitrary grades? Who's to say you're not good enough? Who's to say you're the best? Who's to say you need to put more effort in? Only you, and only you can achieve your goals. So while I continue to aim high, failure has put my ambitions into a realistic perspective.

This is the attitude I intend to carry in to next season's racing. I have spent a bit of time lately writing up a document outlining the next season, medium and long term goals, potential races, as well as doing a SWOT analysis. I have inadvertently realised through my epic road bike rides that I thrive on speed, power and a challenge. It's great to get everything down on paper, and I am pleased to observe that a lot of strength I will draw on in the new season lies in the support of the various parts of the MTB community. If you have any suggestions or experiences you'd like to share with me they would be greatly appreciated!

I’m sure you will agree that the international cycling season is a very exciting time for all of us (despite the ridiculous school girl bitchings, professional cycling doping scandals) ! A special mention must go to Nic Leary and Rosara Joseph who have been performing well in the recent World Cup XCO rounds, as well as our DH boys Wyn Masters, Justin Leov and Cam Cole. Great work NZ, keep it up! Lisa has also recently departed to Canada for her international season and is doing a lot of cool tripping and racing around the place – go hard Cheif!

P.S. I have just bought a 2010 Bergamont Platoon Team. He's on layby to prevent me riding him through Winter. Thanks to Bike Otago and Bergamont for making it happen.

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